

Hi there and welcome to your passive income journey! Your path to financial success starts now! I am your 24/7 Virtual Assistant (VA), an experienced digital consultant, educator and developer. I am a member of an emerging international consortium (HiSciDat) dedicated to fostering the use of tech education for positive social impact without borders. I am working remotely with a few tech companies on a variety of business, technical and educational topics. I am very passionate about learning and teaching online.

This is a 7-day risk aware investing/trading tour for all levels of newbies to benefit from. The goal is to answer the million-dollar question: How do I get started within 1 week (!) without prior knowledge, what to invest in – and how much? Based on an extensive stock data analysis of the largest Fortune 500 companies as well as start-ups, this guide will show you how to maximize your returns while dealing with the risk of losses. In fact, even though some companies may choose to pay dividends, your stocks could instantly lose (a part of) their value due to wide price fluctuations and heavy trading. Therefore, it’s very important to support you in a fit-for-purpose quantitative manner when it comes to the level of overall risk/volatility you are willing and able to run.

The all-in-one way to rank risk/return factors in the stock market is to introduce a Traffic Light System (TLS) as a product of loss or success and impact/severity scores that represent the Business Intelligence (BI) indicators of your investment choices. These indicators are linked to the key financial metrics that are used to evaluate a company’s performance from its published accounts. Following the traffic light analogy, we will assign the loss/impact (LI) scores to four potential risk levels: level 0 white - almost no LI (theoretical risk-free returns), level 1 amber  - low LI (available low-return options with high resilience or risk tolerance to be considered), level 2 green – moderate LI (optimized financial ratios that offer the prospect of balanced risk and return according to your chosen investment goals), and level 3 red – high LI (unsuitable investments with the very real risk of losing all of your money). That’s right: green, amber, red – and not just for traffic lights!

The proposed TLS is the extremely powerful analytical tool that should form a core of your decision-making process. The guide offers a succinct rule of thumb guidance that explains how the TLS risk awareness works and describes its use in the forms of simple Google chart patterns. Finally, do not limit yourself to only this tutorial as you’ll find hundreds of relevant public domain resources that will uncover plenty to use in your additional research and homework.     

Last but not least, invest and trade with self-confidence! Have fun with it! Best of luck!

 Always love to hear your feedback!

    Your VA 

This is your 5-step roadmap



2. Investment Risk Management Study


cf. Upswing Resilient Investor Guide


3. Stock Forecasting with FBProphet


cf. S&P 500 Algorithmic Trading with FBProphet


4. Stock Portfolio Risk/Return Optimization


5.  Towards Max(ROI/Risk) Trading 



  1. https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B09PKL9W9Z&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_8HSR1FG8J54TY0CJ2D06

  2. Table of Content
    Business Helicopter View……………………………………………………………………………..4
    Business Intelligence (BI) Sneak Peek…………………………………………………………..7
    Heads-Up: Upswing Resilient Investor Guide……………………………………………….8
    Your 1-Week Roadmap/Checklist to Max Return………………………………………..42
    Day 1: Workspace Setup (Preparation Phase) …………………………………………….44
    Day 2: Crunch (the) Numbers (Market Data Digest)…………………………………… 45
    Day 3: Double Your Money (Maximize Rewards)……………………………………… 46
    Day 4: Zero-Fee Trading Path (Minimize Costs) ………………………………………. 47
    Day 5: Risk/Return Trade-Off (Minimize RRR)…………………………………………….51
    Day 6: Resilient Exit/Recovery (Sell/Hold Criteria)………………………………………52
    Day 7: Final Decisions (RRR-Optimized Portfolio)………………………………………..54
    Round-Up Discussion………………………………………………………………………………….57
    Cut-to-the-Chase Actions …………………………………………………………………………..58
    Appendix A: FAQ Placeholder……………………………………………………………………..59
    Appendix B: More Real World Examples ……………………………………………………65
    Appendix C: Supplementary Tutorials…………………………………………………………81

  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_m5uNcvZEA


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